Pullouts from e-text of the Mahabhaaratha ?

Srinivas Sunder sunder at crhc.uiuc.edu
Wed Apr 5 18:05:49 UTC 1995

A friend of mine wants to know if it is possible to obtain, from the
e-texts of the RaamaayaNa and the Mahabhaarathaa, `pullouts' of sections
that have philosophical/religious significance, such e.g. the bhagavadgiita, 
vishhNusahasranaama, shivasahasranaaMa, the stories of Nalaa & Damayantii,
the viduraniiti, yakshaprashna, etc. 

As I understand it, his question is, given an on-line copy of the e-text of the 
Mahabhaarathaa, would it be possible to find these sections w/o having to scan 
the entire text.

Responses by e-mail OR to the list, please.


Srinivas Sunder

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