Computer font info

David Magier magier at
Sun Sep 25 14:57:54 UTC 1994

[ repost by list.admin at]
> The URL (Uniform Resource Locator) for the searchable databases at ANU 
> is:
> ANU's variety of Coombs databases can also be accessed using a gopher client
> such as Turbogopher. In addition to the wais searchable files, they have 
> separate sections for most of the Asian nations with links to related 
> sites/files around the world. It's a very useful resource.
> Merry

Merry, the above URL seems to be incorrect. I assume the serve should
be "" rather than the form without 'au' that you
listed. But also, the directory listing you gave in the rest of the URL
is wrong (even if one writes Coombs-db instead of Cooms-db). Could you
repost this with the right form of the URL so we can get at it?
(Particularly looking for the asian fonts info you mentioned, in the
"Asian computing database").  Many thanks.   David

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