Sanskrit to be an elective subject in schools

The Skeptic z900672a at
Thu Oct 13 18:41:51 UTC 1994

Srinivas is right that there are some Central Schools that are owned by 
the government but from what I have seen in the North, most of the English 
medium schools (CBSE) are privately owned either by a church or individuals.
My sister-in-law teaches in one such school which is privately owned.

It is my guess that the motivation for the suit had to economical even 
though it could have been clothed in terms of secular content by the lawyers.
We know after seeing the current proceedings of OJ Simpson case, how the 
facts can be distorted by the lawyers.
Then again, as I said, it is only my conjecture. Moreover, I am not sure
whether the suit was brought by CBSE which is a (semi?)government 
organization or individual schools who wanted to challenge the rulings of 

Aditya Mishra
Phone/FAX 305-746-0442 (Please leave message)
email:  z900672a at


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