Indic Fonts in Windows

Lance Nelson lnelson at
Tue Aug 9 04:41:42 UTC 1994

I've ftp'd two Indic fonts and loaded them into Windows, one True Type
from HACC and another ATM-Bitstream from the Liverpool computer.  I've
been trying them out in WinWord 6.0a.  They work fine as screen
and printer fonts.

My problem is that WinWord uses the Windows system font in dialogue
boxes.  Therefore, both the Find/Replace functions and the Spelling functions
don't work properly with the special characters.  I've modified my
keyboard in WinWord to input the characters, and again this works fine
except in the dialogue boxes.  Has anyone worked through this problem?  Is
a system font with the special characters needed?  Would I have the same
problems in AmiPro or Word Perfect?  Any advice is much appreciated.

Lance E. Nelson                                    Phone: 619/260-4600, x4407
Religious Studies                                           FAX: 619/260-2260
University of San Diego                        San Diego, CA 92110-2492 U.S.A. 


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