Another (different) job announcement

David Magier magier at
Thu Apr 21 20:07:53 UTC 1994

Another job announcement, for your information. David Magier

Date: Thu, 21 Apr 1994 15:57:27 -0400 (EDT)
From: Annie Barry <ab14 at>
Subject: ads
To: magier at

Columbia University, the Department of Religion, announces a
Lectureship in Sanskrit, initial appointment for three years,
renewable.  Ph.D.  required.  Teaching responsibilities will range
from introductory to advanced Sanskrit, and may also include courses
on other aspects of Indic religion and civilization.  Preference will
be given to candidate who have experience teaching Sanskrit; desirable
areas of expertise include kavya, darsana, vyakarana, veda, and,
ideally, fluency in spoken Sanskrit.  Administrative experience
preferred, as the appointee will be expected to assist in the
development of a new Indic Studies center.  The deadline for
applications is May 10, 1994, but candidates are urged to submit
materials by April 15: a vita, three letters of reference, a sampling
of relevant writings, and teaching evaluations if possible.  Columbia
University is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer.  Women
and members of minority groups are urged to apply.  Applications
should be addressed to Robert A. F. Thurman, Chair, Department of
Religion, 617 Kent Hall, Columbia University, New York, NY 10027

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