Academic position available

aklujkar at aklujkar at
Wed Nov 24 23:23:14 UTC 1993

        The Department of Asian Studies at the University of British
Columbia, where I teach, has recently been permitted by UBC authorities to
circulate the following notice about the availability of a position in
South Asian history. Copies of the notice have probably already gone to
university departments and centres that are strong in South Asian studies.
However, to give it wider publicity I am putting it on the Indology
network. Please bring it to the attention of as many colleagues and
potential applicants as you think would be appropriate. 
        The position being advertised is intended as a partial replacement
for the two historians of South Asia who retired from my department in the
last three years. It should not be seen as a replacement for the second
position of a Sanskritist we had in the form of Dr. Karin Preisendanz, who
has, as was revealed on the Indology network sometime ago, moved to
Hamburg.  The efforts to retain the Hinduism-Buddhism-Sanskrit position
that Dr. Preisendanz held have not so far been successful. Given the
financial squeeze that all universities are facing, it should be counted as
a blessing that we have at least not been told that that position is gone
        The notice reproduced below does not speak in terms of period
specialization. The mandate of the Department of Asian Studies, in which
the position will be located, has, however, traditionally been understood
to be language, literature and pre-modern history. The modern history
positions are generally located in the Dept. of History at UBC, and the
modern period is understood to begin at about 1840-1850 A.D.
        Although the notice specifies at the end that it "is directed to
Canadian citizens and permanent residents", the specification is not
understood to mean that those who are not Canadian citizens or permanent
residents of Canada should not apply.  The specification simply requires
that Canadian applications should be considered  first and should be given
fair consideration. 
        Please note that the individual to whom applications (and
inquiries) should be directed is  not myself.              -- Ashok

        Applications are invited for a tenure-track Assistant Professor in
the cultural or social history of South Asia. The candidate should be
capable of teaching undergraduate courses on a variety of periods. Course
load will typically consist of: Introduction to South Asia (a broad
first-year civilization course); one undergraduate course on South Asian
history; and one course, graduate or undergraduate, in the candidate's area
of specialization.
        Qualifications should include: a Ph.D. in hand at time of
appointment; a command of at least one South Asian language; and a
demonstrated commitment to teaching and research. Teaching experience at a
North American university is desirable.
        Salary is commensurate with qualifications and experience.
Appointments may be considered at a higher rank for a woman with
exceptional qualifications. The appointment is subject to budgetary
        The University of British Columbia welcomes all qualified
applicants, especially women, aboriginal people, visible minorities, and
persons with disabilities.
        Candidates should send a complete curriculum vitae, copies of
important publications or unpublished manuscripts, and the names and
addresses of at least three referees to Professor Michael S. Duke, Head,
Department of Asian Studies, University of British Columbia, Vancouver,
B.C., Canada V6T 1Z2. The deadline for receipt of applications is February
1, 1994.
        In accordance with Canadian Immigration requirements this
advertisement is directed to Canadian citizens and permanent residents.


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