Announcement of a new edition of a Mongolian translation of the Kanjur section of the Tripitaka...

RCJ at RCJ at
Fri May 7 16:22:00 UTC 1993

Readers of this list with an interest in the translations of
Indic texts into other languages might be interested to know
of the availability of a new Mongolian edition of the Kanjur
section  of   the  Tripitaka.   You  might  want  to  put  a
recommendation in  to your library if it is a library strong
on Buddhist studies.


                  " T H E   K A N J U R "


          A    M O N G O L I A N    E D I T I O N

"The Kanjur"  in Mongolian, a voluminous Buddhist classic of
world renown,  constitutes one  of  the  important  cultural
heritages of  the Mongols.  It consists  originally  of  108
slip-cases and 1,161 Chapters which number altogether 41,519
pages. The  new Mongolian  edition is collated and annotated
by the  Committee for  the Series  of the Mongolian "Kanjur"
and  is   to  be   published  by   the  Liaoning  Press  for
Nationalities. This  edition is based mainly on the saffron-
ink edition in Beijing which appeared during the years 1717-
1720 under  the reign of the Emperor Kangxi. It was prepared
with  detailed   reference  to  various  editions  including
Polyglottal Dharani.  Many corrections  and comparisons  are
being added  to  this  effort  before  it  is  finalised  in
computerised typesetting and laser photo-composition.

The present edition will be a deluxe edition bound in yellow
satin with  a format  of 16mo,  (787mm/1092mm). The  text is
printed on 60-gram paper for offset printing. A whole set of
the classic  Kanjur contains  some 50  million words  in  54
volumes with about 1,000 pages each.

Price per  set is  U.S. $45,000.00,  and  the  set  will  be
completed within  four years.  The price  may be  payable in
four instalments  or in  one lump sum. The first part of the
classic "Dandra"  will appear  by October 1993 at a price of
U.S. $10.928.00.  Completed orders should be received by the
Liaoning  Press  for  Nationalities  by  December  1992  and
payment must  be received  not later  than the  end of March

                            Liaoning Press for Nationalities
                                     #108 First North Street
                                              Peace District
                                     City of Shenyang 110001
This seems  a worthwhile  endeavour by  a minority  language
group within  China and  though the  price may at first seem
high, given  the size  of the  edition and the beauty of its
production you  should be  able to  persuade your library it
needs a copy. :-)


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