Help on books?

indinst at indinst at
Tue Feb 9 12:29:56 UTC 1993

Photocopies and inter-library loans from the Indian Institute Library.

The Indian Institute Library unfortunately has no facilities for handling
photocopy orders on site. As a dependent library of the Bodleian all
photocopies for Indian Institute books are processed by the Bodleian
photocopying department, which requires a written form and payment in advance.
This form acts as an invoice and record for the accounts department. As a
copyright library, the Bodleian also requires people to sign a copyright
declaration on the form before the photocopying of books and articles still in
copyright can go ahead.

The Wellcome Institute and the Library of Congress seem to be in the happy
position of being able to offer some free photocopying but the Bodleian Library
sadly is not, since its budgetary position is dire.

The Indian Institute Library is happy to receive preliminary enquiries about
books in the collection via INDOLOGY or through direct e-mail requests & will
send the appropriate form to anyone requiring a photocopy. The Library is
similarly happy to receive preliminary e-mail enquiries about inter-library
loans. Should the Institute have the book required the request would be sent on
to the Bodleian's inter-library loans department which handles inter-library
loans on behalf of the Indian Institute Library. For those not familiar with
the inter-library loans system, the library requesting the loan on behalf of a
reader will need to send a British Document Supply Centre Form or a British
Document Supply Centre voucher number to the Bodleian in order that the
inter-library loan may take place.

Indian Institute Library			Email: INDINST @ UK.AC.OX.VAX
(A department of the Bodleian Library)
Oxford                                          Telephone: (0865) 277082
OX1 3BG                                         Telex: 83656

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