Help on books?

ucgadkw at ucgadkw at
Mon Feb 8 10:23:23 UTC 1993

Harry's request for a few pages from a hard-to-find book seems perfectly
acceptable to me, especially since this list (although 200 strong) 
consists largely of friends and associates.

Of course it is a bit of a bother for someone to actually do the copying,
unless the book happens to be easily to hand.  

*However* there is at least one Indological library which is a member
of this list, namely the Indian Institute in Oxford.  

I believe it would be very widely appreciated if the Ind. Inst. were
able to accept photocopy orders via this group, or perhaps directly, 
but by email.  How about it?  It would also be great if inter-library
lns could be initiated in the same way.

I would be very interested to hear a response from the Ind. Inst. librarians,
and also from any other Indological librarians on this list.  Craig?

I myself work as a curator at the Wellcome Institute, which has a good
and growing collection of Sanskrit texts on ayurveda, tantra, yoga, and
related subjects.  Also, of course, we have a large MS collection
(ca. 6000 Sanskrit, 500 Hindi, etc.).  I would be glad to be of service
in this subject area.


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