More info on the Oxford Sanskrit post

Dominik Wujastyk D.Wujastyk at
Wed Feb 3 10:10:15 UTC 1993

What follows is rather long:  it contains the full text of the information
sent to me from Oxford in response to a query about the recently announced
Sanskrit job there.

This posting contains some more general information about how Oxford sees
the job as fitting into existing Indological studies, some of the critera
which will be applied in selecting a candidate, the role of Sanskrit
in general, and a detailed scale of salaries.  


In association with Wolfson College

University Lecturership in Sanskrit

The University proposes to appoint a University Lecturer in
Sanskrit with effect from 1 October 1993 or as soon as possible

     The lecturer will share responsibility with the Boden
Professor of Sanskrit (currently Professor Gombrich) for the
teaching of the B.A in Oriental Studies (Sanskrit), and will be
asked to help the Spalding Professor of Eastern Religions and
Ethnics (currently Professor Sanderson) with linguistic teaching
for the M.Phil. in Classical Indian Religion.  He or she will be
expected to take a full share in the administration and examining
for both courses.  He or she will have primary responsibility for
teaching elementary Sanskrit and for the B.A. compulsory paper
in Paninian grammar.  he or she will be encouraged to participate
in developing current and possibly new courses at every level.
However, it is not envisaged that the current emphasis in teh
B.A. course on acquiring mastery of classical Sanskrit (sastra
and kavya) will be removed.

     He or she will be expected vigorously to prosecute research.
Since both Professor Gombrich and Professor Sanderson have
research interests primarily in Indian religion, a research
interest in another area of classical indology would be an

     The duties are those of a university lecturer, namely to
engage in advanced study or research and to deliver in each
academic year at least thirty-six hours of lectures and classes,
spread over not less than six weeks in each term, under the
direction of the Oriental Studies Board.

     The lecturer will be required to act as the supervisor of
graduate students as and when requested to do so by a faculty
board or other component body unless he or she can show
reasonable cause, to the satisfaction of that board or other
body, why on a particular occasion he or she should not do so.

     The lecturer will be required to take part in examining as
and when requested to do so.

     The lecturership may be filled in conjunction with a
fellowship at Wolfson College.  Further details are contained in
the attached document.

     Applications (ten copies, or one from candidates overseas),
including a statement of age, qualifications, and experience, and
the names of three referees, should be sent to Catherine Godman,
Secretary, Oriental Studies Board, The Oriental Institute, Pusey
Lane, Oxford, OX1 2LE, for receipt not later than  26 February
1993.  All applicants should ask their referees to submit their
confidential testimonials to Ms. Godman by the closing date.
There is no application form and separate application for the
college fellowship is not required.

     The following paragraphs set out the University's standard
terms and conditions of employment for fixed-term university

     The successful candidate will be appointed according to age
on the Oxford lecturer scale, a copy of which is attached.  in
exceptional circumstances, faculty boards may propose the
appointment of an individual up to two points above the standard
age-wage point.  Faculty boards may also, in exceptional cases,
propose the awarding of up to two additional increments within
the scale to lecturers in service.  The top point of the salary
scale is above the top substantive point of the national lecturer
B scale.  It has no bar.

     Additional remuneration is paid to those undertaking
examining and graduate supervision.  Those holding administrative
appointments within the faculty may be eligible for additional
payments from the discretionary elements of national salary

     The appointment will be subject to satisfactory completion
of a medical questionnaire.  All appointments are subject to the
relevant provisions of the Statutes, Decrees and Regulations of
the University, a collected volume of which is published as
occasion requires.

     The University's appraisal scheme is not linked to
arrangements for pay, promotion or probation.  Under the scheme,
discussions with appraisers are held every five years, and more
frequently if requested by appraisers or appraisees.  The scheme
is designed to further personal development and to encourage
reflection on institutional arrangements.

     The University encourages links with outside bodies. 
Although the holding of outside appointments such as
consultancies is subject to the approval of faculty boards, no
limit is set on the amount of money individuals may earn this
way.  The criterion is the amount of time such appointments take
up: a maximum of 30 days per annum may be spent on such
activities before any deduction in stipend is considered.

     The University has a generous maternity leave scheme which
goes well beyond the statutory provisions.  provided that they
have at least one year's service with the University by the
expected date of birth, or have at any time been eligible to
receive full-rate Statutory Maternity Pay or were at any stage
entitled to the benefits of a previous employer's paid maternity
leave scheme, women are eligible for 18 weeks maternity leave on
full pay, followed by up to 22 weeks unpaid maternity leave. 
Women with less than one year's service are eligible to apply for
unpaid maternity leave.  The University is actively pursuing the
provision of improved creche facilities, and will also consider
applications from female staff wishing to return to work on a
part-time basis after the birth of a child.

     The University of Oxford's policy and practice require that
entry into employment with the University and progression within
employment will be determined only be personal merit and the
applications of criteria which are related to the duties of each
particular post and the relevant salary structure.  Subject to
statutory provisions, no applicant or member of staff will be
treated less favourably than another because of his or her sex,
marital status, race, ethnic or national origin, or colour.

     Where suitably qualified individuals are available,
selection committees will contain at least one member of each
     Removal expenses and travelling expenses in connection with
the move to Oxford of the successful candidate are generally paid
in full in appropriate cases.  Professional expenses of up to
Pounds 2,500 also are available where appropriate to cover legal and
other costs in connection with a move.  Further details are
available on request.  All reasonable interview expenses will be


7 January 1993


(Scale effective from 1 April 1992)

A: scale for lecturers in post and aged 28 or over on 1 April
  1993 and for those appointed after this dater at age 28 or

B: scale for lecturers appointed after 1 April 1983 at age 27
  or under.

            A                  Pounds                 B
                               13,400          Age 25 and under
                               14,183               Age 26
          Age 28               14,962               Age 27
          Age 29               15.563               Age 28
          Age 30               16,347               Age 29
          Age 31               17,122               Age 30
          Age 32               17,768               Age 31
          Age 33               18,576               Age 32
          Age 34               19,352               Age 33
          Age 35               20,140               Age 34
          Age 36               20,941               Age 35
          Age 37               21,744               Age 36
          Age 38               22,586               Age 37
          Age 39               23,431               Age 38
          Age 40               24,736               Age 39
     Age 41 and over           26,047          Age 40 and over

Increments become payable from the beginning of the quarterly
period next following that during which the lecturer attains the
qualifying age, except in the case of lecturers appointed after
1 April 1938 at age 27 or under whose increments become payable
on the first day of the month in which their birthday falls.





Wolfson is a graduate college through which men and women
graduates may be admitted to study for advanced degrees and
diplomas of the University: there is no restriction on subject.
There is a single Common Room for all Fellows and Graduate
Students.  A fellowship at Wolfson carries no additional stipend
but all Fellows are entitled to Common Table (Pounds 23.80 per week for
meals taken in Hall), various entertainment allowances and some
financial support for travel for academic purposes.  A free
study-tutorial room in college will be offered, if no other room
is provided by the University or the Faculty or another college.
Fellows have no specified College teaching duties for Wolfson but
are allowed to undertake teaching of graduates and undergraduates
for any college. All Official Fellows are members of the
College's Governing Body.

November 1992


Sanskrit is the key to Indian civilization, and it is in this
spirit that it is taught at Oxford, thought the B.A. course
necessarily concentrates on giving students a thorough grounding
in the language, and the bulk of the teaching proceeds by the
reading and explication of classical texts.

Formally, the course is in two parts.  The first, of six months,
leads to the Preliminary Examination at the end of the second
term, in late March.  Teaching for this consists mainly of
intensive instruction in the rudiments of the language.  The
second, the Final Honours course, takes seven terms (26 months).

The Final Honour School is examined in 8 papers, 6 in Sanskrit
and two in the subsidiary language (see below).  There is only
one set text paper, the one on language.  For this paper the
Sanskrit language is studied from two contrasting and
complementary points of view.  The indigenous study of Sanskrit
grammar is given a large place in our course, not only because
it teaches Sanskrit with authoritative accuracy, but, even more
important, because linguistics was the paradigm science in
Ancient India.  On the other hand, historical and comparative
linguistics have drawn western philologists to the study of
Sanskrit; the student is therefore introduced to the historical
philology of both Vedic (the oldest form of Sanskrit) and to
Middle Indo-Aryan (i.e. Pali and Prakrit), the ancient languages
derived from Sanskrit.  Four more papers in Sanskrit are
accounted for by a general unprepared translation paper, a
general essay paper on Sanskrit literature and the arts, and an
unprepared translation paper and essay paper in a chosen area of
Sanskrit studies, such as literature, religion, philosophy, or
even an area more closely defined.  The choice of this more
specialized area and the materials read in preparation for the
examination in it is arranged between teachers and student.  The
final paper in Sanskrit is in a seilsujc;frti h
tdetmy, if appropriate, offer a short dissertation instead
of an exmiainppr
Tecoceo  usdaylnug isbtenOdIain,Pl n rki. Ufruaey eaeual t h oett fe  odr ninlnug. Teeaanaeeaie ya nrprdtasain ae n n sa ae.  h aeil
in Old Iranian is mainly Zoroastrian literature, in Pali
exclusively Buddhist literature, and in Prakrit both Jaina
literature and secular creative literature (poetry and drama).
Tesuyo h sbiir agaebgn a h tr ftescndya,adteefe ccut o bu  hr ftewrs.
h ore okfrPeis sTac orefSnki yMA
olo,wihi ary ieyaalbe n ivsgo dieo uiir aeil I suncesr oko n asrtbfr einn h ors tog tdnsmyfidi aubet aiirz hmevswt eangr,(h citi hihSnki suulypited).  On the other hand, for serious
students of Indology, French is virtually essential, and German
hardly less valuable, so that the best preparation for this
course may well be to acquire a reading knowledge of those
--------------DmnkWjsy                  .uatkula.k                             +47 11 8467

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