Re indology

Dominik Wujastyk ucgadkw at UK.AC.UCL
Wed Nov 25 14:46:11 UTC 1992

Dear Vivek,
Welcome to the INDOLOGY discussion group.
I'm afraid I didn't see any query about "Vedic" mathematics in the
last few weeks.  But some months back there was an exchange in which
I and Michio Yano posted some literature references to this group.
It is possible to get the logs of past INDOLOGY discussions from the
Liverpool listserv.  Start by sending the message "help" to the
address "listserv at".  The message "index indology"
sent to the same address will return to you a list of all the
documents (including logs) that can be retrieved.  To get a file sent
to you I think you say something like "get filename indology".  I
*believe* there is even a way of having listserv do a subject or
keyword search through the files, but I don't know offhand how to
do that.
Best wishes,

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