Preservation of Major Indological Series

Thu Nov 19 14:17:00 UTC 1992


Well  the   offer  of  a  lifetime  is  available  from  the
University of  Chicago, but my guess is they will be too shy
to publicise  it. They  are raising  money and awareness for
their Preservation  of Major  Indological Series  project by
selling T-shirts! Now to tell you anything about the T-shirt
would spoil  the surprise of what they have done. Suffice it
to say  I think  it is  clever and  will wear mine [received
today] with pride.
After checking  on availability  if you  wish to  play safe,
send $8.00 to:
Southern Asia Department
University of Chicago Library
1100 East 57th Street
Chicago Illinois 60637
Give your postal address and I would guess that if you are
outside of the USA your donation should be higher to cover
international postage. Sizes small, medium, large, extra
large. Cheques payable to: The University of Chicago
If these T-shirts have been around for years, apologies for
my lack of awareness, I am assuming they are still in print
and not yet on a second edition.
Anyone who is anyone will be wearing them in San Francisco
this weekend.
But watch out, if you go to the India Office Library you
might get reshelved... :-)
Craig Jamieson
University of Cambridge

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