Thomas B. Ridgeway ridgeway at EDU.WASHINGTON.HACC.BLACKBOX
Wed Jun 24 15:40:07 UTC 1992

Status: RO

Hey there DW,
  You will be interested to know that (either) we have a lot more
  new people on Indology recently, (or) Brhatsamhita is more
  interesting to people than Panini and Asvaghosha (can't be!):
  in any event I have been getting numerous ``what is this CSX
  anyway'' queries, to which I have been forwarding your article
  by way of reply.
  Is the article available from Liverpool's Listserv?  If so,
  possibly we should now (and periodically in the future) announce
  briefly what CSX is and how to get the article so as to answer
  queries in advance en masse.  And also to publicize and promote
  CS/CSX to be sure.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Thomas Ridgeway, Director,
Humanities and Arts Computing Center/NorthWest Computing Support Center
35 Thomson Hall, University of Washington, DR-10
Seattle, WA 98195   phone: (206)-543-4218            *  Ask me about  *
Internet: ridgeway at      *    Unix TeX    *
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

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