It's official! The new Spalding Professor

Dominik Wujastyk ucgadkw at UK.AC.UCL
Wed Apr 29 18:49:03 UTC 1992


Alexis Sanderson has been elected Spalding Professor of
Eastern Religions and Ethics at All Souls College, Oxford.
The former Spalding professors were S. Radhakrishnan, R. C. Zaehner
and B. K. Matilal.
Alexis Sanderson, formerly Senior Lecturer in Sanskrit at Wolfson
College, Oxford, has taught Sanskrit at Oxford since 1974 (when
Anne-Marie Gaston, Geoff Bottomly and I were his first students).
Widely read in kaavya, vyaakarana and other "saastras, he has
specialized in particular in the history of tantric literature and
religion; few scholars inside or outside India could rival his
knowledge of tantric texts and traditions.  In recent years, Alexis has
recovered much early tantric material of great historical
importance from the fund of tantric manuscripts discovered by
the German-Nepal microfilming project.
Alexis has three books on aspects of the history and interpretation of
tantra forthcoming with the SUNY press.

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