Dear Colleagues,
I am completing a work on Indian Palmistry or Rekhâúâstra and would like to ask your help in procuring hastarekhâ images.
I have been able to collect several original images of the hands and feet while on several tours to India, but I know that there are many more to be had.
So if any of you have access to some of these images or know where I could obtain them, and would be willing to share that with me, I should be most grateful.
With best wishes,
Kenneth Zysk, PhD, DPhil
Emeritus Professor of Indology and Indian Science
Department of Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies
University of Copenhagen
1 Karen Blixens Vej, Bygn. 10,
DK-2300 Copenhagen S Denmark
Ph: +45 3532 8951; H: +45 41981047