Congratulations, Florinda, on this amazing project and publication! Can’t wait to read!
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On Feb 20, 2025, at 5:28 AM, Florinda De Simini <> wrote:

Dear All,
I’d like to quickly follow up on my previous email to clarify that the correct email address for placing book orders is You can also still order copies of our other books, all of which can be downloaded as PDFs from the following link:

Please let me know if you have any further questions.

Best regards,


Da: INDOLOGY <> per conto di Florinda De Simini <>
Inviato: martedì 18 febbraio 2025 11:21
A: <>
Oggetto: [INDOLOGY] New Open-Access Publication in the Studies on the History of Śaivism Series
Dear Friends and Colleagues,
I’m delighted to share a new publication in the Studies on the History of Śaivism series, hosted by L’Orientale University of Naples and supported by the ERC-funded project SHIVADHARMA:
Peter C. Bisschop, Nirajan Kafle, and Csaba Kiss
Śaiva Rites of Fasting and the Gift of Cattle: A Study in Purāṇic and Tantric Appropriation.
A Critical Edition with Translation of Śivadharmaśāstra 10.
Studies in the History of Śaivism III. Napoli: Università degli Studi di Napoli L’Orientale, Dipartimento Asia, Africa e Mediterraneo.
This is a fully open-access publication, available for download here:
A final copy of the book can also be accessed directly here:
Printed copies will be available soon. If you’d like one, please email the printer at As our publications are fully funded and open access, they are literally priceless—you’ll only need to cover postage. If you happen to be in Naples, feel free to reach out, and I’d be happy to arrange a copy for you (while supplies last).
I hope you'll enjoy reading this new contribution to Śivadharma scholarship and the study of South Asian religious and literary traditions. 
My deepest gratitude to the authors and everyone who contributed to this remarkable piece of scholarship.
Warm regards,

Florinda De Simini

Associate Professor
History of Ancient and Medieval India 
Principal Investigator of the ERC-2018-Starting Grant Project "Śivadharma"
Università degli Studi di Napoli L'Orientale
Dipartimento Asia, Africa e Mediterraneo
Largo San Giovanni Maggiore 30 - 80134, Napoli
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