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Dear Oliver,
These photos are not from M.B. Emeneau, “Dialects of Old Indo-Aryan,” in H. Birnbaum and J. Puhvel, Ancient Indo-European Dialects, Berkeley, Calif.
When I translated Emeneau to Russian, I found at SOAS:
Sanskrit studies of M. B. Emeneau : selcted papers / ed. by B. A. van Nooten ; 1988 · Occasional paper / Center for South and Southeast Asia Studies 13.
And the photos come from the selected papers.
I hope the PDF (M.B. Emeneau_Dialects of Old Indo-Aryan 1988.pdf) at the bottom of https://vk.com/wall-88831040_23612 works from Europe.
Кому: Indology (indology@list.indology.info);
Тема: [INDOLOGY] Emeneau's dialects of OIA;
20.02.2025, 11:12, "Oliver Hellwig via INDOLOGY" <indology@list.indology.info>:

Dear all,

does anybody have a pdf of Emeneau's "Dialects of Old Indo-Aryan"
(appeared in Birnbaum et al. (ed.): Ancient IE dialects) which they
would be ready to share?

Best, Oliver


Oliver Hellwig, Dep. of Comp. Linguistics, Univ. of Zurich

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