Conference on the Study of Religions of India (CSRI)

"Sacred Journeys and Sacred Stories”

Elon University in Elon, NC

June 19-22, 2025


We invite proposals representing a range of disciplinary and methodological approaches that engage the storytelling, pilgrimage, and performance traditions of diverse religious traditions and communities of India. See attached for possible topics and submission details.


CSRI Executive Committee members (Archana Venkatesan, Sufia Uddin, Reid Locklin, Chad Bauman, Robin Reinhart, and Brian Pennington) invite submissions of individual paper proposals and pre-formed panels via the portal on the conference website by March 1, 2025. Please send all questions to CSRI Executive Committee Chair Brian Pennington at


"When writers die they become books, which is, after all, not too bad an incarnation."  Jorge Luis Borges

Archana Venkatesan
Graduate Advisor, Graduate Program in the Study of Religion (2022-2025)
Professor, Religious Studies and Comparative Literature
Phone: 530-754-2821 (Office)