Also very useful is J. Sinha, Indian Epistemology, vol. I: Cognition, see also vol. II Emotion and Will.
And of course Schmithausen, Alayavijnana.
Best wishes,

Sent from my iPad

On 14.02.2025, at 20:03, Kie Pue via INDOLOGY <> wrote:

Perhaps also look at 

Rita Langer, Das Bewusstsein als Träger des Lebens. Einige weniger beachtete Aspekte des viññāṇa im Pālikanon. Wien 2000 (Wiener Studien zur Tibetologie und Buddhismuskunde, 52).

Petra Kieffer-Pülz

Am 14.02.2025 um 19:54 schrieb Martin Straube via INDOLOGY <>:

Dear Gleb,

not comprehensive for ancient India, but for early Pali reliable are

S. Hamilton, Identity and experience, London 1996, pp. 82ff.

T. Vetter, The ‘Khandha Passages’ in the Vinayapiṭaka and the four main Nikāyas, Wien 2000, pp. 63ff.

With best wishes

Zitat von Gleb Sharygin via INDOLOGY <>:

Dear colleagues,

I've been looking through the literature, trying to find a good and
comprehensive study of the word, term and concept *vijñāna*, --
something that would clearly explicate and clarify how Ancient Indians
understood and used this word (term, concept).

I had in mind something like J. Gonda's study of *āyatana *(1975).

Alas, I didn't find much. Therefore, I would appreciate your suggestions.


With kind regards,

Gleb Sharygin

Martin Straube
Research Fellow in Pali Lexicography
The Pali Text Society

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