Many thanks to all who quickly replied to my search. I have the book now.
On Monday, February 10th, 2025 at 12:32 PM, Matthew Kapstein <> wrote:
Dear friends,
Might anyone have a soft copy to share of
M. Inami, K. Matsuda und T. Tani: A study of the Pramāṇavārttikaṭīkā by Śākyabuddhi from the National Archives collection, Kathmandu, Tokyo 1992 (Studia Tibetica, 23).
I am aware of the transcription of the text alone available on GRETIL, but I am searching for a scan of the original work.
many thanks,
Matthew T. Kapstein
Professor emeritus
Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, PSL Research University, Paris
The University of Chicago Divinity School
Member, American Academy of Arts and Sciences