This comes with apologies for crossposting, in case you have received the message also through other channels. But as surely several members of the Indology list also work on topics that relate to Tibetan Buddhist canonical literature (perhaps along with the Sanskrit of a particular text), we also want to ask for your help here:

Dear colleagues,
We are refining the Resources for Kanjur and Tanjur Studies ( database and would greatly appreciate your input. Whether you use rKTs regularly, have only tried it once, or have simply heard of it, your perspective matters!
This short survey (15–20 minutes) will focus on
• How you currently use the rKTs database (if at all)
• Features or improvements you would find useful
• How additional metadata could be incorporated in future development
Take the survey
The survey is anonymous, and your feedback will directly help shape rKTs. We truly appreciate your time and insights!

Markus Viehbeck
for the Tibetan Manuscript Project Vienna (TMPV)

Dr. Markus Viehbeck
Senior Scientist
Vice Director of Studies (ISTB)

Postal address:
Department of South Asian, Tibetan and Buddhist Studies
Spitalgasse 2, Hof2 (Campus)
A-1090 Vienna

Tibetan Manuscript Project Vienna (
Resources for Kanjur and Tanjur Studies (