Congratulations Csaba! Despite the annoying mixup, this contribution is amazing. You and your team are to be applauded. The world is a better place with your translation and edition in it. Best,J
Jesse Knutson PhD
Professor of Sanskrit Language and Literature 
Department of Indo-Pacific Languages and Literatures
University of Hawai'i, Mānoa
461 Spalding

E io ch’avea d’error la testa cinta,
dissi: «Maestro, che è quel ch’i’ odo?
e che gent’ è che par nel duol sì vinta?

Ed elli a me: «Questo misero modo
tegnon l’anime triste di coloro
che visser sanza ’nfamia e sanza lodo.

Mischiate sono a quel cattivo coro
de li angeli che non furon ribelli

né fur fedeli a Dio, ma per sé fuoro.

Caccianli i ciel per non esser men belli,

né lo profondo inferno li riceve,                                             

ch’alcuna gloria i rei avrebber d’elli». 

(Inferno 3.31-39)

On Fri, Jan 24, 2025 at 2:32 AM Csaba Dezso via INDOLOGY <> wrote:
Dear Colleagues,

Recently it has come to our knowledge that a university library in the US purchased a defective copy of our translation of the Raghuvaṃśa that appeared in the MCLI series published by Harvard University Press. As a few of you might have heard, first HUP printed the second uncorrected proof instead of the corrected third proof. When we protested, HUP agreed to reprint the book from the correct pdf and destroy the defective copies. They did do the reprint, but it seems that copies of the defective first print were also sold nevertheless.

We would like to encourage you therefore to check your copies and the copies in the libraries of your institution. Please go to the first page of the Introduction (p. ix) and see the fifth line from the bottom. If it reads “chapters 4 and 6 of the The Lineage of”  instead of “chapters 4 and 6 of The Lineage of”, then you have a defective copy. If so, please do protest and demand that HUP send you a correct copy. For us it is a major embarrassment to know that our names appear as authors on books that have not been printed in the form that we approved, but with many mistakes that we had painstakingly corrected in the proofs.

On a more positive note: volume 2 of the Raghupañcikā has been published by Brill, it is open access and downloadable from here:

With best wishes,

Csaba Dezső, Dominic Goodall, Harunaga Isaacson

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