Dear all,

Apart from seconding Professor Zydenbos' recommendation of Wilhelm Halbfass' work, I might note that "hermeneutics" in the sense of "a science of interpretation" can be and has been applied to several Indian traditions, above all Mīmāṁsā, for which Pollock, McCrea, Patil, etc. have provided the near-equivalent of "hermeneutics" when talking about it in English, but also, e.g., Buddhist works like the Vyākhyāyukti. If you are looking for work that explicitly brings together Gadamerian hermeneutics and Indian traditions, there is the work of Francis X D'Sa (e.g., "Mīmāṃsā and Hermeneutics: The Hermeneutic Concern of the Mīmāṃsā" in WZKS 1992), Purushottama Bilimoria (e.g., "Hermeneutics and Hindu Thought" in Being and Text, 2008) and Othmar Gächter (e.g., Hermeneutics and Language in Pūrva Mīmāṃsā, Delhi 1983).


On Sat, Nov 30, 2024 at 9:52 AM Robert Zydenbos via INDOLOGY <> wrote:
The great classic of hermeneutics in Indology is the famous book by Wilhelm Halbfass ( Indien und Europa, Perspektiven ihrer geistigen Begegnung ("India and Europe. Perspectives of their inner encounter", 1981), translated and slightly extended as India and Europe: An Essay in Understanding (1988; a different edition has the subtitle "An Essay in Philosophical Understanding"). I have always recommended this book to all my students.

Samyak Modi via INDOLOGY schreef op 2024-11-20 01:31:

Dear Indologists,
Are there any books or journal articles on applying hermeneutics in the Indological context, and what are the most commonly applied hermeneutical perspectives in the field?
I would be very grateful if PDFs of the relevant literature could be shared.
Thank you
Samyak Modi

Prof. Dr. Robert J. Zydenbos / ಪ್ರೊ. ಡಾ. ರೊಬೆರ್ತ್ ಜೆಯ್ದೆನ್ಬೊಸ್ (retd.)
Institute of Indology and Tibetology
Department of Asian Studies
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (University of Munich – LMU)

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