Dear Raffaele,
I do not know where the rule comes from, but Abhinavagupta makes the same argument while explaining ĪPK 2.3.8 in ĪPVV, vol. III, p. 121 (ardhayukpādavṛttānte viśrāntir iti tu kāvye 'yam samayo na śāstre) and ĪPV, vol. II, p. 102 (ardhe ccheda iti kāvye 'yaṃ samayo na grantha iti dvitīyatṛtīyapādayoḥ sāmastye 'py adoṣaḥ).
Isabelle Ratié
Professeur, Département des Études Orientales, Sorbonne Nouvelle
Membre Senior de l'Institut Universitaire de France

Le lun. 4 nov. 2024 à 15:04, Raffaele Torella via INDOLOGY <> a écrit :
Dear Colleagues,

while commenting on IPK I.5.12 Abhinava’s Vimarśinī says:

ātmāta eva caitanyaṃ citkriyācitikartṛtā /

tātparyeṇoditas tena jaḍāt sa hi vilakṣaṇaḥ // Ipk_1,5.12 //

[…] citkriyācitikartṛtātātparyeṇa iti samāsaḥ / ardhayuk pādaviśrāntiḥ iti hi kāvye samayaḥ, na śāstre.

So the first word in the third pāda is to be considered in compound with the last word of the second. According to the rule ardhayuk pādaviśrāntiḥ (by the way, coming from where?) this should be inadmissible, but – Abhinava says – this holds only for kāvya, not for śāstra. My question is: are you aware of a set of exceptional rules only valid for the śāstric metrical texts?

Many thanks!


Prof. Raffaele Torella
Emeritus Professor of Sanskrit
Sapienza University of Rome

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