Dear Brian,
Congratulations on opening the   Śrīvidyā   etext library . I was pleasantly surprised when going to the Tripurā Tallikā website that it is much more than an etext repository with articles by practitioners and by scholars .

Thanks and congratulations,
Harry Spier

On Tue, Aug 27, 2024 at 11:21 AM Brian Campbell via INDOLOGY <> wrote:
Dear colleagues,

I'm happy to announce that a new emerging etext archive of Sanskrit texts related to the tantric Śaiva tradition of Śrīvidyā is now available online and will be slowly built out, open-access, in the coming months and years.

I am paying close attention to make sure we are not duplicating efforts with other sources of etexts related to Śrīvidyā, such as found in Muktabodha's repository. I hope it is useful to scholars and practitioners everywhere.

Best wishes,
Brian Campbell

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