Dear list members,
Three new etexts from the collaborative project between Muktabodha Indological Research Institute and and the French Institute or Pondicherry have been added to the Muktabodha digital library. 
1)  jīrṇoddhāraḥ (kāmikānusāri)
2)  ekāmranāthāṣṭakam and ekāmranāthaśatakam.
3) śrīvidyāpūjākramaḥ and devīdhyānam

Their descriptions by Dr. Deviprasad of the IFP are:
RE 30511 - This manuscript bundle, titled jīrṇoddhāraḥ (kāmikānusāri), is a detailed textual work focused on the principles and practices of renovation and restoration, following the guidelines of the Kāmikāgama. This detailed documentation and preservation of the manuscript offer valuable insights into traditional practices as outlined in the Kāmikāgama, making it an essential resource for scholars and practitioners interested in ancient Indian texts and rituals.
RE 30753, This bundle consist of Ekāmranāthāṣṭakam & Ekāmranāthaśatakam. Śrī ekāmranāthar temple is in Kanchipuram, Tamilnadu. One of the temples associated with the five elements, the Pañcabhūtasthalas, and specifically the element of earth, or Pṛthivī. Both of the stotras are with the word by word translation in Tamil (in Grantha Script itself). Ekāmranāthāṣṭakam is completed and Ekāmranāthaśatakam is not completed.

RE31062 – śrīvidyāpūjākramaḥ and devīdhyānam, This bundle contains the Śrīvidyāpūjā & Devīdhyānam. Śrīvidyāpūjā is worshipping the Mother for nature and energy. Generally Vidyā means Knowledge. Śrīvidyā is one of forms of Goddess Sarasvatī, by praying under the lotus feet of the mother who is the giver for energy to all over the universe, to attain the divine knowledge and enlightenment, which interns helps us to attain “Mokṣa”. Kramam, means various ways that is Nyāsas, Lalitakramam, Āvaraṇapūjās have been explained. This pūjā connects humanity to divinity to gain enlightenment which is the ultimate knowledge. The bundle contains 57 folios and there are 6 to 8 lines in each folio. The size of this bundle is 16 cm / 3cm. The condition of the folio is a little bit damaged but the letters are very clean.

Thank you,
Harry Spier