Dear friends,

To pursue a query I began a few years ago and never followed up on:

Is there any scholarship that you are aware of, in the fields of Indian astrology, yoga, tantra, or medicine, on the works variously title Svarodayatantra, Śiva-svarodaya,

Svarodaya-vijñāna, etc.? I am primarily interested in older versions of these text, such as may have been in circulation before the fifteenth or sixteenth century.

I am of course familiar with Alain Daniélou's Le Shiva-Svarodaya: La naissance du Souffle de Vie (Milan 1982). Some searches on the internet have turned up a large number of modern Hindi translations and commentaries that seem mostly to be non-academic and concern popular astrology, ayurveda and the like - I imagine that the situation is similar in other modern Indian languages. (But I would welcome recommendations of works in Hindi that appear to be of value for academic research on the Sanskrit texts.)  

with thanks,

Matthew T. Kapstein
Professor emeritus
Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, PSL Research University, Paris

The University of Chicago Divinity School

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