Dear list members,
After a long delay the Muktabodha digital library cumulative download is now available. The etexts are text files bundled in a zip file, one for  IAST transliteration and one for devanagari.

Within each zip file are all the searchable etexts of the library but not including the etexts of the joint Muktabodha/IFP project. There are a total of 487 etexts. The file name for each etext is the etext title in Harvard-Kyoto transliteration followed by the catalog number. For example; aMzumatkAzyapAgama-M00198-IAST.txt is the text file containing the aṁśumatkāśyapāgama .

The download links are:
For devanagari:

These links are also on the digital library entry webpage.

Thank you,
Harry Spier

Harry Spier