Dear Friends,

My query focuses on:

red oleander (rakta-karavīra; Nerium oleander) ?

For context, it is used in the logo of an Indian-based wellness company in which both

punarnava & पुनर्नवा are used. It seems this is done on purpose.

What makes this an odd choice for a wellness symbol/name is that oleander is quite toxic and is responsible for many poisonings in India. It contains cardiac glycosides, which inhibit the sodium–potassium adenosine triphosphatase (Na-K-ATPase) pump. Though some Ayurvedic preparations (which I don't know what they are) include treating skin conditions and the root is sometimes used as an abortifacient.

I understand that it is linked with Śiva in some way. Though I don't yet fully know.
According to numerology, it is linked to the number 2, which refers to destiny to pursue knowledge and understanding of the human condition. And the red colour is indicative of passion.

Are there any mythological crossover between Greek and Biblical mentions with south Asian mentions? Therefore, I'm wondering if someone might know of any mytho-literary mentions of this flower.

Thank you,

Patrick McCartney