Aleksandar Uskokov
Senior Lector and Associate Research Scholar
South Asian Studies Council and Department of Religious Studies, Yale University
203-432-1972 |
"The Philosophy of the Brahma-sutra: An Introduction"
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On 10. Jun 2024, at 17.22, Uskokov, Aleksandar via INDOLOGY <> wrote:
Dear friends,
Has any of you encountered a meter with the following structure:
a: ja bha ja rab: ya ta ta ga gac: ma ma ya yad: ma ta ta ga ga
Quarters c and d correspond to vaiśvadevī and śālinī, but a and b I cannot identify in Apte, though b seems a variation of śālinī with the first syllable laghu.
Any help appreciated.
Best wishes,Aleksandar
Aleksandar UskokovSenior Lector and Associate Research ScholarSouth Asian Studies Council and Department of Religious Studies, Yale University203-432-1972 |"The Philosophy of the Brahma-sutra: An Introduction"
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