Dear Howard, 

The principle of svataHprAmANyam referred to in the CC is the legacy of Kumarila. It is arguably foundationalist. See Dan Arnold’s “Buddhists, Brahmins, and Belief.”  

Best wishes 

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From: INDOLOGY <> on behalf of Howard Resnick via INDOLOGY <>
Sent: Tuesday, June 4, 2024 5:03:56 AM
To: Indology List <>
Subject: [INDOLOGY] nyaya and regress
Dear Scholars,

Does the nyāya system speak about the problem of an infinite regress of proofs? Aristotle famously identifies and then avoids this problem through the notion of a self-evident foundation or starting point of knowledge. In Western epistemology, this strategy is often called foundationalism.

Is there anything at all similar or analagous in nyāya or other Indian schools? The Caitanya-caritāmṛta several times affirms that the Veda is ’self-evident’, svataḥ pramāṇa, but the term is not used there as a general or secular epistemic strategy. Is the CC simply repeating a well-known epistemic principle?

All help will be greatly appreciated.


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