I pass my gratulation  to Prof. Deshpande and to all the contributors of the volume🌹


Prof. dr hab. Joanna Jurewicz

Katedra Azji Południowej /Chair of South Asia Studies

Wydział Orientalistyczny / Faculty of Oriental Studies

Uniwersytet Warszawski /University of Warsaw  

ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 26/28

00-927 Warszawa , Poland

Członek Academia Europaea

Przewodnicząca Rady Programowej Festiwalu Nauki 

Department of Linguistidcs and Modern Languages

College of Human Sciences,UNISA, Pretoria, RSA

Member of Academia Europaea  

Chairperson of the Science Festival Programme Council 


wt., 21 maj 2024 o 18:20 Loriliai Biernacki via INDOLOGY <indology@list.indology.info> napisał(a):

Yes, congratulations Madhav! Your poetry is fantastic!


All best,

Loriliai Biernacki, Professor, Department of Religious Studies, University of Colorado at Boulder, UCB 292
Boulder, CO 80309


Na hi ayaṃ daivaśāpaḥ svārtha eva prayojanaṃ na parārtha iti


Check out my book on wonder and Abhinavagupta, The Matter of Wonder: Abhinavagupta’s Panentheism and New Materialism (Oxford Univ Press 2023). 30% off with code: AAFLYG6:


CU Boulder sits upon land within the territories of the Ute, Cheyenne, and Arapaho peoples, and 48 contemporary tribal nations are historically tied to the lands that make up the state of Colorado.



From: INDOLOGY <indology-bounces@list.indology.info> on behalf of Srilata Raman via INDOLOGY <indology@list.indology.info>
Reply-To: Srilata Raman <s.raman@utoronto.ca>
Date: Tuesday, May 21, 2024 at 8:01 AM
To: Madhav Deshpande <mmdesh@umich.edu>, Elliot Stern <emstern1948@gmail.com>
Cc: Indology Indology listserve <indology@list.indology.info>
Subject: Re: [INDOLOGY] Prof. Madhav Deshpande Festschrift


[External email - use caution]


Dear Madhav,

Congratulations! This is indeed a wonderful and fitting tribute to your poetry in Sanskrit and to your scholarship over all the years!

warmly yours,



Srilata Raman

Professor of Hinduism,

Department for the Study of Religion,

University of Toronto.

From: INDOLOGY <indology-bounces@list.indology.info> on behalf of Elliot Stern via INDOLOGY <indology@list.indology.info>
Sent: May 21, 2024 9:57 AM
To: Madhav Deshpande <mmdesh@umich.edu>
Cc: Indology Indology listserve <indology@list.indology.info>
Subject: Re: [INDOLOGY] Prof. Madhav Deshpande Festschrift


I look forward to seeing this excellent tribute to you, Madhav. Congratulations!




Elliot M. Stern

552 South 48th Street

Philadelphia, PA 19143-2029


On May 20, 2024, at 6:29 PM, Jeffery Long via INDOLOGY <indology@list.indology.info> wrote:


This is fantastic, Madhav! Thank you for sharing it with us.


Dr. Jeffery D. Long
Carl W. Zeigler Professor of Religion, Philosophy, & Asian Studies
School of Arts & Humanities
Elizabethtown College
Elizabethtown, PA
Series Editor, Explorations in Indic Traditions: Ethical, Philosophical, and Theological
Lexington Books
“One who makes a habit of prayer and meditation will easily overcome all difficulties and remain calm and unruffled in the midst of the trials of life.”  (Holy Mother Sarada Devi)
“We are a way for the Cosmos to know itself.” (Carl Sagan)



On May 21, 2024, at 7:27 AM, Madhav Deshpande via INDOLOGY <indology@list.indology.info> wrote:


Dear Friends,


     The book Mādhava-Mahimā, is going into printing, and the editor Shri Vats Deshraj Sharma has kindly shared with me a complete pdf. From the pdf I see that it is a 411p book, and the table of contents looks like this:


The 4th chapter consists of an almost complete collection of my Sanskrit poetry, except my current series of Kr̥ṣṇa verses [now close to 2500] which will be published separately. Chapters 2-3 contain what some of my students and colleagues have written about me and some more detailed accounts of my life and contributions. Except for a few materials in Hindi and English, most of the volume is in Sanskrit. This was an initiative undertaken by the Late Professor Ramakant Shukla, the president of the Devavani Parishad, Delhi. He passed away in 2022, however, the project was continued by the Devavani Parishad and the editor Shri Vats Deshraj Sharma. 




Madhav M. Deshpande

Professor Emeritus, Sanskrit and Linguistics

University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA

Senior Fellow, Oxford Center for Hindu Studies

Adjunct Professor, National Institute of Advanced Studies, Bangalore, India


[Residence: Campbell, California, USA]



On Mon, May 20, 2024 at 8:54 AM Ananya Vajpeyi <vajpeyi@csds.in> wrote:

How wonderful! Please send / share details of the contents... Congratulations to Prof. Deshpande and all contributors. Best wishes, Ananya. 


On Mon, May 20, 2024 at 9:21 PM Shrikant Bahulkar via INDOLOGY <indology@list.indology.info> wrote:


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From: Shrikant Bahulkar <shrikant.bahulkar@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, 20 May 2024, 21:18
Subject: Photo from Shrikant Bahulkar
To: Shrikant Bahulkar <shrikant.bahulkar@gmail.com>


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Ananya Vajpeyi




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Elliot M. Stern

552 South 48th Street

Philadelphia, PA 19143-2029





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