अभिनन्दनं माधवमहोदय!

On Mon, May 20, 2024 at 6:04 PM Robert P. GOLDMAN via INDOLOGY <indology@list.indology.info> wrote:
Fantastic, Madhavrao. Please send TOC and instructions s to how to order. Abhinandanam indeed!

Dr. R.P. Goldman
William and Catherine Magistretti Professor of Sanskrit Emeritus
Professor in the Graduate School
Department of South and Southeast Asian Studies 
Berkeley, CA 94720-2540

On May 20, 2024, at 8:49 AM, Shrikant Bahulkar via INDOLOGY <indology@list.indology.info> wrote:

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From: Shrikant Bahulkar <shrikant.bahulkar@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, 20 May 2024, 21:18
Subject: Photo from Shrikant Bahulkar
To: Shrikant Bahulkar <shrikant.bahulkar@gmail.com>

INDOLOGY mailing list

INDOLOGY mailing list

Jesse Knutson PhD
Professor of Sanskrit Language and Literature 
Department of Indo-Pacific Languages and Literatures
University of Hawai'i, Mānoa
461 Spalding

E io ch’avea d’error la testa cinta,
dissi: «Maestro, che è quel ch’i’ odo?
e che gent’ è che par nel duol sì vinta?       

Ed elli a me: «Questo misero modo
tegnon l’anime triste di coloro
che visser sanza ’nfamia e sanza lodo.      

Mischiate sono a quel cattivo coro
de li angeli che non furon ribelli
né fur fedeli a Dio, ma per sé fuoro.

Caccianli i ciel per non esser men belli,

né lo profondo inferno li riceve,                                            ch’alcuna gloria i rei avrebber d’elli». (Inferno 3.31-39)