Important Information about the American Academy of Religion Online June Session


Mahābhārata and Classical Hinduism Seminar


June 27, Thursday, 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM (Eastern Daylight Time)

Session Identifier AO27-501

“Heaven and Earth in Mahābhārata Interpretations”

Arti Dhand, University of Toronto, Presiding


Adam Bowles

"Before the Gītā: Battlefield, Bhūmi, and the Cosmographs of the Mahābhārata."


Christopher Austin 

"The Aṃśāvataraṇa Intervention: From the Ādiparvan to Kṣemendra."


Roberto Morales-Harley 

"The Unburdening of the Earth: The Greek Structure of the Mahābhārata."


To participate in this seminar:


1.Please register for the AAR’s June online meeting.  Registration gives you access to the entire 3-day meeting.


Note: If you are attending the in-person AAR meeting in November, you get a $40 discount on the cost of registration for the June meeting.


2. If you are not on the mailing list, sign yourself up at and pick your username and password. You will then receive the three papers that will be discussed at the June meeting. After reading their papers, bring the questions and comments you have for the authors to the June meeting. AAR’s seminar format does not allow time for actually presenting the papers in full, so most of the session is reserved for discussion.

Thanks and I hope to see many of you there!


Prof. Brian Collins
Department Chair and Drs. Ram and Sushila Gawande Chair in Indian Religion and Philosophy
Department of Classics and Religious Studies
234 Ellis Hall
Ohio University
Athens, Ohio
740-597-2103 (office)