As I am unable to reply to this question and the inscription looks significant, I am forwarding the query to the Indology list.

With best regards and wishes, Asko

Begin forwarded message:

From: Nazir Shakir Brahui <>
Subject: Request to read the text
Date: 11. May 2024 at 18.02.35 EEST
To: Asko Parpola <>

Respected. Dr. Asko parpola

  I hope you will be happy.  This is a cave inscription found in the Sasol mountain range.  Sasoli is a Brahui speaking tribe, living in Khuzdar.  This mountain is famous by his name.  Which script is this and what is written in it?  Hope you read this script and reply.  

your own

Nazir Shakir Brahui

Director:Brahui Research Institute Pakistan
