Dear colleagues,

we are pleased to inform you about several interesting recent publications in the Vienna Series for Tibetan and Buddhist Studies / Wiener Studien zur Tibetologie und Buddhismuskunde (WSTB) -- some of them are more on the Tibetological side, but may also be of interest to list members.

All of the following are available in print but also in a free digital open access version that can be downloaded from the WSTB website (also some of the older publications can be downloaded for free):

- Gregory Forgues: Radical Nonduality. Ju Mipham Namgyal Gyatso’s Discourse on Reality. 2024, 382 p.

- Rory Lindsay: Saving the Dead: Tibetan Funerary Rituals in the Tradition of the Sarvadurgatipariśodhana Tantra. 2024, 283 p.

- Hiroko Matsuoka, Shinya Moriyama & Tyler Neill: To the Heart of Truth. Felicitation Volume for Eli Franco on the Occasion of His Seventieth Birthday. 2023, xliii + 806 p., 2 vols.

- Klaus-Dieter Mathes & Casey Kemp: Buddha Nature across Asia. 2022, 495 p.

- Markus Viehbeck & Bruno Lainé: The Manuscript Kanjur from Shey Palace, Ladakh. Introduction and Catalogue. 2022, 539 p.

- Bryan J. Cuevas: The Rwa pod and Other ‘Lost’ Works of Rwa lo tsā ba’s Vajrabhairava Tradition: A Catalogue of Recently Acquired Tibetan Manuscripts from Mongolia and Khams and Their Significance. 2021, 551p.

- Vincent Eltschinger, Birgit Kellner, Ethan Mills and Isabelle Ratié: A Road Less Traveled. Felicitation Volume in Honor of John Taber. 2021, 542 p.

- Helmut Tauscher: sPug Ye shes dbyangs: mDo sde brgyad bcu khungs. An Early Tibetan Sutra anthology. 2021, 215p.

Please note further that many of the earlier publications are available at a reduced price. This means that most of the books printed prior to 2013 are available for 15 euros, those printed prior to 2008 for 10 euros or less.

With kind regards,

Markus Viehbeck and Birgit Kellner

(for the WSTB editorial committee)
Dr. Markus Viehbeck
Postdoctoral researcher, University of Vienna

Postal address:
Department of South Asian, Tibetan and Buddhist Studies
Spitalgasse 2, Hof2 (Campus)
A-1090 Vienna

Tibetan Manuscript Project Vienna (
Resources for Kanjur and Tanjur Studies (