Once again, I stand in awe of the erudition of this community and its largesse in sharing it. I knew of Naik's volumes, but had little hope of ever actually seeing copies of them. Thanks to Lubomir's guidance, I look forward to delving into them alson with the other valuable works in this repository.

Thank you again.

with regards,


Herman Tull, PhD
Princeton, NJ

On Fri, May 10, 2024 at 2:55 PM Lubomír Ondračka <ondracka@ff.cuni.cz> wrote:
The link to this book is in this message:



On 10/05/2024 19:04, Harry Spier via INDOLOGY wrote:
Typography of Devanagari by B.S. Naik 1971 (a three volume set) may have what you want.  I used to have a pdf of this, but I can't locate it.  If anyone sends this to you, please also forward it to me.

Harry Spier

On Fri, May 10, 2024 at 1:38 PM Herman Tull via INDOLOGY <indology@list.indology.info> wrote:

Does anyone have any information on the history of typography used for Euro-American Sanskrit-devanagari texts from the late 19th and early 20th centuries? In some printed volumes  I notice a mix between using the "Calcutta" style and the "Bombay" style of letters. (For a highly readable article on the difference between the two, see: https://gazette.universalthirst.com/home/the-story-of-the-devanagari-letter) This is particularly noticeable in Lanman's Reader which has the "Calcutta" style for "a / ā"; "ṇa"; and "śa"; but the "Bombay" style for "la" and "kṣa." 

Any information would be appreciated.

with regards,


Herman Tull, PhD
Princeton, NJ

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