This could be interesting:

GERSHEVITCH, ILYA. 1989. Margarites the Pearl. Études irano-aryennes offertes à Gilbert Lazard, ed. by Charles-Henri de Fouchécour and Philippe Gignoux, 113–136. Studia Iranica Cahier 7. Association pour l’avancement des études iraniennes.

Gershevitch discusses a considerable amount of mythology, chiefly with regard to the oyster being likened to a bird.
(His interest is in linking Iranian words for 'pearl' to words for 'bird'.)

Best wishes,

Le 25.04.2024 à 11:45, Paolo E. Rosati via INDOLOGY a écrit :
Dear all,

while I was reading Eliade's Images and Symbols, my attention was struck by his vague reference to an "oriental mythology", which affirms that the pearl was born from the penetration of a lightning inside a shell/oyster.

I think he got this information from Realencyclopädie der Classischen Altertumswissenschaft (entry: "Margaritai"), but I am not sure at all.

Can someone indicate a more specific reference to this myth? or to other myths related to the pearl?

With my best wishes,

Paolo E. Rosati
PhD in Asian and African Studies
Mobile/Whatsapp: (+39) 338 73 83 472
Skype: paoloe.rosati

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Agnes Korn, PhD habil.
CNRS ; UMR 8041 Centre de recherche sur le monde iranien (CeRMI)
7 rue Guy Môquet
94800 Villejuif