Wouldn't emendation to kṛṣāṇu (=kṛśānu) make sense? Depending on the script, I guess ṇḍa and ṇu could be very easy to confuse.

On Thu, 25 Apr 2024 at 19:47, Raffaele Torella via INDOLOGY <indology@list.indology.info> wrote:
Dear Colleagues,

in the course of my critical edition (in progress) of Vāmanadatta’s Saṃvitprakāśa I met with a word I can’t identify. The three extant manuscripts read: kṛṣāṇḍa or kṛśāṇḍa.

kṛṣāṇḍaśatasaṃkāśaṃ naumi te <’>vyaktarūpiṇaḥ |

niḥśeṣakalmaṣaploṣapāvakaṃ tāvakaṃ vapuḥ ||

Thanks for any suggestion!


Prof. Raffaele Torella
Emeritus Professor of Sanskrit
Sapienza University of Rome

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