Dear Indologists,

Sorry to resurrect this old thread, but I share the OP's interest in the Matsyasūkta. Have any soft copies manifested in the last two years since this original post? I've found quite a few mentions of the Matsyasūkta in secondary sources, but they are all citations or very brief descriptions of the text. Has anyone written anything more substantial about the Matsyasūkta in the meantime? 

It will probably be another year or so before I can get back to India to check the archives, so your help is greatly appreciated in the meantime. 


Westin Harris
Ph.D. Candidate
Study of Religion 
University of California, Davis
The Robert H. N. Ho Family Foundation Program in Buddhist Studies

Sarva Mangalam.

On Sun, Sep 18, 2022 at 4:03 AM Timothy Cahill via INDOLOGY <> wrote:
Thanks to Harry, Sundari and Dominik for their helpful responses!
If I am able to visit the Asiatic Society in the near future I will press hard for a photocopy.
Best wishes,
Tim Cahill

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