Dear Colleagues,

I want to bring to your attention the Journal of Asian Humanities at Kyushu University (JAH-Q) that invites contributions in the field of South Asian Studies. It is an established journal in Japanese and Tibetan studies but now it wants to broaden its scope. Please kindly take a look:

The journal is open-access and is mostly disseminated online. A small number of printed copies is available for interested institutions and libraries.

JAH-Q is an annual, peer-reviewed, and Scopus-indexed journal. It considers research articles, state-of-the-field essays, and research reports related to Asian humanities subjects for publication. It also seeks articles or reports for the themed section, “Kyushu and Asia,” and reviews (books, exhibitions, films) for the “Reviews” section. Potential contributors should consult the Submission Guidelines available at

For questions and submissions, please contact

Best wishes,



Nataliya Yanchevskaya, Ph.D. Lecturer in Sanskrit and South Asian Studies PIIRS, Princeton University