I am posting this here on behalf of friends from the Oxford Centre for Hindu Studies, who are not on this list.

Best wishes,



Please circulate widely. Apologies for multiple emails. 



CALL FOR PARTICIPATION (online and in-person)



1st Conference on


Oxford Centre for Hindu Studies

Worcester College, University of Oxford, UK

May 15-17, 2024


Website: https://www.god-and-consciousness.com/oxford-conference

Registration: god.and.consciousness@gmail.com

Deadline: May 07, 2024





To register, send an email to god.and.consciousness@gmail.com, with the subject “Registration at the Oxford Conference” by May 07, 2024. The body of the message should contain the following information: (1) full name, (2) institution/country, and (3) type of attendance (in-person or online). Attendance will be guaranteed on a first come, first served basis.





This the first (hybrid) conference of the project “Concepts of God and the Variety of Theisms in Indian Traditions: Towards a Theistic Theory of Consciousness”, hosted by the Brazilian Association for the Philosophy of Religion and supported by funding totaling $260,000 from the John Templeton Foundation. 




It is hosted by the Oxford Centre for Hindu Studies, and will take place in Worcester College, University of Oxford. 





• God, Consciousness, and Cosmos: Prospects for a Non-illusory Theistic Monism, Timothy O'Connor (Indiana University, USA)

• Of Micropsychism, Memory, and Maheśvara: Utpaladeva on God as the Unifier of Consciousness, Amit Chaturvedi (University of Hong Kong, China)

• Is God Conscious? Reflections on Śākta-Śaiva Ideas of Transcendence and Immanence, Gavin Flood (University of Oxford, UK)

• Karl Christian Friedrich Krause’s Panentheism and the Vedic Traditions, Benedikt Paul Göcke (Ruhr University Bochum, Germany)

• Panpsychism and Divine Embodiment, Joanna Leidenhag (University of Leeds, UK)

• Does and Could Śaṅkara’s Advaita Vedānta concern itself with the Hard Problem of Consciousness? Anand Jayprakash Vaidya (San Jose State University, USA) 





• A Bare Theism for a Fully General Comparative Philosophy of Religion, Ravi M. Gupta and Mike Ashfield (Utah State University, USA) 

• A Comparative Analysis of Brahman and the Anselmian Being: Exploring Divine Concepts through the Bhagavad Gita, Saheba Saxena (University of Lincoln, UK)

• Advaita Vedānta and the God-World Relation, Thomas Oberle (University of Alberta, Canada)

• Ascending Concepts of God in the Bhagavad-gītā, Ithamar Theodor (Zefat Academic Colege, Israel)

• Between Theism and Atheism: A Jain Paradigm of God, Jinesh R. Sheth (University of Mumbai, India)

• Can the Bhagavad Gītā Explain the Existence of Consciousness? Akshay Gupta (Independent scholar)

• Consciousness, Agency, and Moral Responsibility in Vedānta, Brett Parris (Balliol College, University of Oxford, UK)

• Decombining Perspectives: A Kashmiri Śaivist View of Cosmopsychism, Munema Moiz (University of Toronto, Canada)

• Divine Consciousness as Linguistic Consciousness: The Trika Śaiva adaptation of Bhartṛhari’s levels of language as they relate to divine potency, union, and revelation, Veronica Benjamin (Independent scholar affiliated with Ishvar Parvat Samvidālaya Library, India)

• Gauḍīya Vaisnavism and Personal Identity: A Reductionist Approach, Alan Herberth (Oxford Centre fo Hindu Studies, UK)

• Looking at the Prakṛti-Puruṣa dichotomy through the lens of Feminist Materialism: A Critique of Western Hegemonic Dichotomies and a New Perspective on Dualism, Sarnali Chatterjee (Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, India)

• Panentheism and the Contradictory God in a Bhedābheda Vedānta Tradition, Ricardo Sousa Silvestre (Federal University of Campina Grande, Brazil)

• Śiva's Creative Pulsation: A Theistic Understanding of Consciousness and Matter, Klara Margareta Agnes Hedling (University of New Mexico, USA)

• The universe as aṁśa of Brahman: Towards a Viśiṣṭādvaitic existence-cosmopsychism, S Siddharth (Sai University, India)

• The Vaiṣṇava Vedānta approach to subjective awareness, Shivanand Sharma (University of Birmingham, UK)





• Alan Herbert, Oxford Centre for Hindu Studies, UK (chair)

• Gabriel Reis de Oliveira, Saint Louis University, USA





• Ricardo Sousa Silvestre, Federal University of Campina Grande, Brazil (chair)

• Yujin Nagasawa, University of Oklahoma, USA

• Monima Chadha, Monash University, Australia

• Swami Medhananda, UCLA and University of Southern California, USA

• Ananya Barua, University of Delhi, India

• Dilip Loundo, University of Juiz de Fora, Brazil