Dear Friends,

With all apologies for cross-posting. I'd like to bring this doctoral fellowship in my ERC project, Gandhāra Corpora — a project dealing with Buddhist and related manuscripts in several genres, to the attention of the Indology community. This is a fully funded, four-year fellowship resulting in a PhD. Please share this with any younger scholars in your network who are interested in pursuing an academic career in Buddhist Studies. The candidate should know Sanskrit, but beyond that I am quite pleased to leave the profile rather open and am happy to receive applications from folk of various backgrounds and interests. The vacancy may be found here and the details are pasted below: 

Doctoral fellow

Last application date: May 24, 2024 00:00

Department: LW21 - Department of Languages and Cultures

Contract: Limited duration

Degree: MA

Occupancy rate: 100%

Vacancy type: Research staff

Job description

Doctoral Fellowship in the ERC Funded Gandhāra Corpora Project at Ghent University

Applications are invited for one full-time PhD research position of 4 years within the ERC Starting Grant project “Corpora in Greater Gandhāra: Tracing the Development of Buddhist Textuality and Gilgit/Bamiyan Manuscript Networks in the First Millennium of the Common Era” (Gandhāra Corpora) led by Professor Charles DiSimone at the Department of Languages and Cultures, Ghent University located in the center of the beautiful and historic city of Ghent, Belgium. In the Gandhāra Corpora project, the researcher will join an international team of scholars working on manuscript materials recently uncovered from the historic area of Greater Gandhāra and contribute to the study and preservation of this material. Within the department, the Pre-doctoral researcher will be a member of both the Ghent Centre for Buddhist Studies ( and the South Asia Research Network Ghent research groups ( All nationalities are welcome to apply.

Brief Project Description:
In the last several years, fantastic manuscript finds have surfaced opening new windows into the scholarly study of the development of Buddhist literature. Gandhāra Corpora represents a multifaceted, holistic approach to the study of an important and voluminous genre of manuscript witnesses from an early era of Buddhist textual transmission composed mainly in Sanskrit in the Gilgit/Bamiyan type scripts from the historic region of Greater Gandhāra covering modern day Afghanistan, Pakistan, and parts of Northern India. This project centers on the study of large, recently discovered caches of highly significant Buddhist manuscripts excavated at Mes Aynak in Afghanistan and similar material in private collections and their place in the body of works from Greater Gandhāra. The philological, paleographical, codicological, and critical research conducted in this project will examine textual and material production, transmission, and relationship networks in the Buddhist manuscript cultures of Greater Gandhāra and beyond in the first millennium of the Common Era.

You will contribute to the project in the following ways:

Job profile

Required qualifications:

Additional desirable qualifications (not required but viewed positively):

Conditions and benefits:

How to apply

To apply submit the following materials in pdf format to Prof. Charles DiSimone (

Shortlisted candidates will be contacted by mid-June for an online interview with the results announced shortly thereafter. Any questions about this vacancy may be sent by email directly to Prof. DiSimone. Interested parties are welcome to initiate contact before submitting their application.


With my best wishes,


Prof. Dr. Charles DiSimone
Associate Professor of Buddhist Studies
Department of Languages and Cultures
Ghent University