Thank you for sharing the announcement, Prof. Houben.

As a colleague, collaborator and friend, I also wanted to acknowledge the passing of Michel Angot. It took me a while to put pen to paper as Michel’s departure was so sudden and unexpected – he taught and studied until the day before his death. Standing one moment and gone the next. A memento mori for all his entourage and a clean, elegant departure for him. Surely what he would have wished, but arguably tough for those who are left behind.

I attended quite a few of Michel’s courses on Sanskrit grammar and texts over at least 10 years and found them thought provoking, enlightening and extremely informative. He was a through and through philologist and linguist, and a real all-round erudite scholar of both ‘Eastern’ and ‘Western’ history and thought forms. But most of all he was a deep knower of Sanskrit grammar - an ocean into which he swam enthusiastically and with ease - while he also conversed and cross-linked easily with many other domains of Sanskrit thought, poetry, prosody, literature, philosophy and science. He was an eminent representative of Brahminical-oriented approaches to knowledge, and something of an intransigent hard-liner about it, a trait which some of his colleagues and also some of his students found difficult to take at times.

I was privileged to collaborate with Michel in organising two long residential courses in 2022 (on the Yogasūtra) and in 2023 (on the thought of Nāgārjuna), which as things turned out will represent a major part of his person-to-person intellectual legacy, whereas his abundant written production will remain for all to enjoy and learn from. He is survived by his wonderful wife and life partner Michelle and by his daughter.

Michel Angot’s site, recommended by Prof. Houben, has since been taken down. I imagine it will be updated and republished in some form at some point. Some very out of date information on his work may be found here, and those who know French may find this relatively recent interview of interest.

Elizabeth De Michelis
(formerly Universities of Oxford and Cambridge)

On Saturday, 13 April 2024 at 01:07:09 CEST, Brendan Gillon via INDOLOGY <> wrote:

Dear Jan,

Thank you for taking the time to convey this sad news to us. I never met Prof. Angot, but I was very  glad to have discovered his excellent and encyclopedic book, Le sanscrit commentarial, shortly after it appeared. I am very sorry to hear of his passing.

Cordially yours,



On 4/12/24 06:36, Jan E.M. Houben via INDOLOGY wrote:
Dear All, 

I just received information that the French Sanskrit and Vedic scholar Michel Angot passed away in his home town on 8 April 2024 at the age of 75 ( A number of his important publications are listed on his own website (, which also mentions several other ones still under preparation. 
Condolences to his family and to his numerous students in France and world wide, who will always remember him for his enthusiastic and inspiring teaching and lecturing, including in the domain of theoretical and practical aspects of Vedic recitation. 

Jan Houben

Jan E.M. Houben

Directeur d'Études, Professor of South Asian History and Philology

Sources et histoire de la tradition sanskrite

École Pratique des Hautes Études (EPHE, Paris Sciences et Lettres)

Sciences historiques et philologiques 

Groupe de recherches en études indiennes (EA 2120)

johannes.houben [at]

LabEx Hastec -- L'Inde Classique augmentée: construction, transmission 

     et transformations d'un savoir scientifique

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