many thanks! nice find!


From: Lubomír Ondračka <>
Sent: Tuesday, April 9, 2024 11:11 AM
To: Arlo Griffiths <>; INDOLOGY <>
Subject: Re: [INDOLOGY] stanza from the Sārasamuccaya
See Matsyapurāṇa:

dṛṣṭānubhūtam arthaṃ ca yaḥ pṛṣṭo na vigūhate /
yathābhūtapravād astu ity etat satyalakṣaṇam // MatsP_145.41 //

Source: GRETIL


On 09.04.2024 13:06, Arlo Griffiths via INDOLOGY wrote:
> Dear colleagues,
> Is this stanza known to anyone from any Indian source?
> dr̥ṣṭānubhūtam arthaṁ yaḥ pr̥ṣṭo na vinigūhate |
> yathābhūtapravāditvād ity etat satyalakṣaṇam ||
> It is stanza 139 in
> Raghu Vira. 1962. /Sāra-Samuccaya (a Classical Indonesian Compendium of
> High Ideals)/. Śata-Piṭaka Series (Dvīpāntara-Piṭaka), 24 (7). New
> Delhi: International Academy of Indian Culture.
> Almost all stanzas in this compendium can be traced in the Mahābhārata.
> But not the above stanza.
> Thank you.
> Arlo Griffiths
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