Dear Arlo,

you can look it up under the entry "kaseru" (= "Rückgrat"). While PW records the word under kaśeru with a reference to the alternate spelling "kaseru" (as a rule adopted by MW), pw has apparently decided that only kaseru must be the correct spelling. However, for reasons unknown, a reference to the discarded spelling 'kaśeru' was omitted by Böthlingk.

Best wishes,

Am So., 10. März 2024 um 05:02 Uhr schrieb Arlo Griffiths via INDOLOGY <>:
Learned colleagues,

Can anyone help me understand what is intended with paścāccharīra in connection with elephant cows in the following Kośakalpataru verse?

paścāccharīre kariṇāṃ striyāṃ tu
bhavej jarāyau carame'dhunārthe |
ārvāgbhave bhedyasamaṃ vadanti
dantacchade puṃsi tathādharaḥ syāt || 83 ||

Actually I am looking for potential synonyms of 'back(bone)' other than those found in kośa passages such as these:

- AK 2.5.667  syāc charīrāsthni kaṅkālaḥ pr̥ṣṭhāsthni tu kaśerukā
- AbhCM 627ab kapālakarparau tulyau pṛṣṭhasyāsthni kaśerukā |
- AbhiRM 632–634 asthīni dhātukīkasakulyāni bhavanti tulyāni || 632 || śarīrasyāsthi kaṅkālaṃ tathā syād asthipañjaram | śiraso'sthi karoṭiḥ syāt kapālaṃ śakalaṃ ca tat || 633 || śākhāsthi nalakaṃ proktaṃ pṛṣṭhasyāsthi kaseru ca | 
- ŚRĀ asthi kulyaṁ kīkasañ ca kaṅkālo dehakīkase | kaśerukā kaśeruḥ strī pṛṣṭhāsthani bhaved dvayam ||

And more particularly words beginning with paścāt. I am wondering if paścāccharīra could be the word I am looking for.

By the way, since the relative (un)originality of MW data vs. PW/pw is occasionally at stake on this forum, I found it interesting to see that kaśeru(kā) in the meaning 'back(bone)' seems not to be recorded in pw (if I can rely on NWS) whereas MW does have a relevant entry.

Best wishes,

Arlo Griffiths

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