Dear David,

For Śabdakalpadrumaḥ, Banglapedia reports 1819 for the first volume and 1858 for the last (,annexure%2C%20was%20published%20in%201858}.

For Vācaspatyam, WorldCat reports the original publication dates as 1873-1884 (


On Feb 15, 2024, at 2:10 PM, Buchta, David via INDOLOGY <> wrote:

Dear Colleagues,

Can anyone point me to the original publication dates of Rādhākāntadeva Bāhādura's Śabdakalpadrumaḥ and Tārānātha Tarkavācaspati's Vācaspatyam. From what I can find Rādhākānta lived 1784-1867 (Śrī Wikipedia uvāca), while Tārānātha lived 1812-1885 (Śrī Brian Hatcher uvāca). The wonderful Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionaries website lists the dates of publication as 1886 for the Śabdakalpadruma and 1873 for the Vācaspatyam. But this seems to flip the sequence. And I found an article R. Lenz from 1835 glorifying the first three volumes of the Śabdakalpadruma.

Any help is appreciated, as is any broader scholarship on these two momentous scholars.

David Buchta, PhD
Senior Lecturer in Sanskrit
Department of Classics
Brown University

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