This probably does not help Palaniappan, but it may be interesting for Ganesan: the sāvarṇi gotra is also mentioned in the Lohaner plates of Pulakeśin II. Edition: Khare, Ganesh Hari. 1947. ‘Lohaner Plates of Chalukya Pulikesin II: Saka 552’. Epigraphia Indica 27: 37–41.
With best wishes,

On Fri, 2 Feb 2024 at 10:28, Ganesan T <> wrote:
Dear Sri Palaniappan,
It is very interesting to know about the  Sāvaṛṇa/ Sāvaṛṇi gotra mentioned in the inscriptions.
I am not sure about the existence of such a gotra.
But, in the  Naarājapaddhati, a Śaiva[siddhānta] ritual manual composed in the Tamil country in the 11th century CE (one century earlier that the well known paddhati composed by Aghoraśivācārya ), which I, along with my colleague  am critically editing for the first time based on a single manuscript  (the 1st volume will soon be going to the press), its author Rāmanātha  states that he was born in the  savarakula.
According to the Suprabhedagama, one of the 28  Śaiva Mūlāgama-s, a person born of marriage between a brāhmaṇa man and a kṣatriya woman where the rituals are performed by reciting the [appropriate] mantra-s, is known as a ‘savarṇa’
It is also stated there that savara is one among the anuloma- vara-s. 
I have given these details in my introduction to the edited text.

I am not sure how far this information will be useful for you or in any way clarify your doubts.

I just wanted to share this information with you.

Best wishes

Research Associate
Saiva Agama & Saivasiddhanta
French Institute of Pondicherry
E mail:
On Tue, Jan 23, 2024 at 11:03 PM Sudalaimuthu Palaniappan via INDOLOGY <> wrote:

The Pullūr plates and Taṇṭantōṭṭam plates of Pallava king Nandivarman II of 8th century CE mention a few Brāhmins belonging to Ṣāvarṇi gotra and Chandoga sutra. The Kahla plate of Soḍhadeva of 1077 CE mentions a Brahmin belonging to Sāvarṇa gotra and Chandoga śākhā. A stone inscription from Ārpākkam of Cōḻa Rājādhirāja II of the second half of the 12th century CE mentions a Śaiva teacher with the name Umāpatideva alias Jñānaśivadeva who belonged to the Dakṣiṇarāḍha of Gauḍadeśa and Gaṃgoḷi Sāvaṛṇa gotra. Do Sāvarṇi and Sāvarṇa refer to the same gotra? Given the -deva part of the dīkṣā name of the Śaiva teacher, could he still be a Brahmin?


Thank you in advance for any clarifications.




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