Dear Jan,

Thank you for letting us know about this new book of yours. Regarding the series it is published in, you say "These are meant to be read alongside the texts themselves." Is there a particular translation of the Madhyamakāvatāra that you correlated your book to? The several that I know of were all made from the Tibetan translation, before the Sanskrit original was discovered and its first six chapters were published. Thanks.

Best regards,

David Reigle
Colorado, U.S.A.

On Sat, Jan 20, 2024 at 11:37 AM Jan Westerhoff via INDOLOGY <> wrote:
Dear Colleagues,
some of you might be interested in this new book of mine, which has just
come out:

Candrak&#299;rti's Introduction to the Middle Way. A Guide.

Oxford University Press 2024, 296 pages, ISBN: 9780197612347.

This volume is part of the "Oxford Guides to Philosophy" series, a set of
volumes introducing classical philosophical texts. These are meant to be
read alongside the texts themselves; my commentary focuses on the
philosophical content of the text, using Candrak&#299;rti's
auto-commentary as the main explicatory resource.

>From the blurb:

Candrak&#299;rti's Introduction to the Middle Way
(Madhyamak&#257;vat&#257;ra) is a central work of Buddhist philosophy for
two reasons. First, it provides an introduction to Madhyamaka, one of the
three major philosophical schools of Buddhist thought (the other two being
Abhidharma and Yog&#257;c&#257;ra). Second, within Madhyamaka,
Candrak&#299;rti's text occupies a very prominent role. This is primarily
due to its enormous influence in Tibet, where Candrak&#299;rti's work
became the main entry-point into the study of Madhyamaka thought. While
the historical importance of the Introduction to the Middle Way for
understanding a major section of Buddhist thought is evident, what makes
it particularly interesting for students is the role it plays as an
'introduction'. It is one of Candrak&#299;rti's earlier works and presents
a comprehensive guide to the key philosophical ideas and problems of
Madhyamaka thought.

Best wishes

Jan Westerhoff

JC Westerhoff
Lady Margaret Hall
University of Oxford
Norham Gardens
Oxford OX2 6QA
United Kingdom

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