Dear Colleagues,

The Sanskrit Library would like to announce the following 2024 winter-spring semester courses in Sanskrit and Sanskrit literature on-line beginning 14 January.  Courses are university-equivalent courses which expect student homework consisting of several hours per week for fifteen weeks.

1. UH101. History of Sanskrit literature I: वेद and वेदाङ्ग
2. US120. Intermediate Sanskrit prose reading.
3. US205. Verbal conjugation in भट्टोजी दीक्षित’s सिद्धान्तकौमुदी.
4. US310. माधवीयधातुवृत्ति  Sāyaṇas commentary on the Dhātupāṭha.
5. UP120. संस्कृतपाठस्य मध्यमा श्रेणी।
6. UT102. Character and higher-level encoding (of Sanskrit texts).

We also anticipate offering an intensive summer Sanskrit course 3 June–29 July and a two-semester beginning Sanskrit sequence in September.
Further information about these courses is available on our Website at this link:
Please share the news and the link with anyone and everyone you think might be interested.

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Yours sincerely,

Peter M. Scharf, President
The Sanskrit Library